Statement of Renewed Commitment
Inspired by our respective faith traditions, we work Shoulder to Shoulder with our Muslim Neighbors
Ten years ago, over 40 faith leaders gathered for an emergency Interfaith Summit at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C. to affirm a statement of solidarity with our Muslim neighbors facing unprecedented anti-Muslim bigotry in the United States. As we mark the 10th anniversary of the launch of the Shoulder to Shoulder Campaign, we reaffirm the statement of solidarity that we made on that day, and we renew our commitment to building a country where all individuals and communities, no matter their faith or background, are treated fairly and with dignity.
Over the last decade, we have seen incredible progress as faith and community leaders have become more engaged and effective in addressing the problem of anti-Muslim discrimination in their communities. Through multifaith prayer services, interfaith relationship-building, education, collaborative projects, service, and advocacy, we see people coming alongside one another and deepening their work together to address common social issues. What we can accomplish together is, in very many instances, far more than we can achieve working in isolation from one another.
And yet, we still have more work to do. Indeed, the need for Shoulder to Shoulder is even more urgent today than it was ten years ago. We have seen a deeper institutionalization of anti-Muslim bias in our society through the growth of the Islamophobia industry, involving a well-funded machine of individuals and organizations intent on maligning Muslims and Islam by normalizing anti-Muslim bigotry in our public discourse and civic life. Additionally, we have seen such anti-Muslim discrimination affirmed and implemented at the highest levels of power, showing up in both hateful rhetoric and harmful policies.
We take seriously the responsibility and necessity to speak up and take action, especially when the voice of hate and exclusion comes from our own communities. We must equip our own communities with the proper spiritual and educational grounding to be emboldened to build bridges of understanding between our communities and our Muslim neighbors. And we must continue to counter harmful rhetoric and policies that negatively impact our fellow Americans who are Muslim or who are perceived to be.
Silence or inaction in the face of hate, discrimination, and violence is not an option.
As faith leaders representing different backgrounds and beliefs, we reaffirm our active commitment to Shoulder to Shoulder so that we may live up to our American ideals and build a nation where all people are treated with dignity and fairness. Only by taking this stance, and continuing to act together, can faith leaders fulfill the highest calling of our respective traditions, and thereby help to create a safer and stronger America for all people.
“We take seriously the responsibility and necessity to speak up and take action, especially when the voice of hate and exclusion comes from our own communities.”
Faith Leader Statements of Support
Faith Institutions Supporting the Statement
American Baptist Churches USA, Rev. Dr. C. Jeff Woods, Interim General Secretary
BJC, Amanda Tyler, Executive Director
Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), Rev. Teresa Hord Owens, General Minister and President
Christian Reformed Church in North America, Colin P. Watson, Sr., Executive Director
Church of the Brethren, Rev. David Steele, General Secretary
Church World Service, Rev. John L. McCullough, President & CEO
The Episcopal Church, The Most Rev. Michael B. Curry, Presiding Bishop & Primate
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, The Rev. Elizabeth A Eaton, Presiding Bishop
Foundation for Ethnic Understanding, Rabbi Marc Schneier, Founder and President
Friends Committee on National Legislation (Quaker), Diane Randall, General Secretary
Interfaith Alliance, Rabbi Jack Moline, President
Interfaith Center of New York, Rev. Dr. Chloe Breyer, Executive Director
Islamic Society of North America, Basharat Saleem, Executive Director
Jewish Council for Public Affairs (JCPA), David Bernstein, President and CEO
Milstein Center for Interreligious Dialogue at Jewish Theological Seminary, Rabbi Burton Visotzky
National Council of Churches USA, Jim Winkler, President & General Secretary
National Religious Campaign Against Torture, Rev. Ron Stief, Executive Director
Peace Catalyst International, Martin Brooks, Interim President
Presbyterian Church (USA), Rev. Dr. J. Herbert Nelson II, Stated Clerk of the General Assembly
Reconstructing Judaism, Rabbi Deborah Waxman, Ph.D., President
Reconstructionist Rabbinical Association, Rabbi Elyse Wechterman, Executive Director
Reformed Church In America, Rev. Laura Osborne, Coordinator for Interreligious Relations
Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism, Director, Rabbi Jonah Dov Pesner
Sisters of Mercy of the Americas - Justice Team, Margaret Conley, Director of Justice Team
Sojourners, Rob Wilson-Black, CEO
T'ruah: The Rabbinic Call for Human Rights, Rabbi Jill Jacobs, Executive Director
United Church of Christ, Rev. Dr. John Dorhauer, General Minister and President
additional Faith Leaders Supporting the Statement
Rev. Traci Blackmon, Associate General Minister of Justice & Local Church Ministries for The United Church of Christ and Senior Pastor of Christ The King United Church of Christ in Florissant, MO
Wendy Goldberg, Executive Director of the Tri-Faith Initiative
Kathryn M. Lohre, Assistant to the Presiding Bishop, Executive for Ecumenical and Inter-Religious Relations & Theological Discernment, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, Co-Chair, Executive Committee, Shoulder to Shoulder
Rev. Ron Stief, Executive Director, National Religious Campaign Against Torture; Co-Chair, Executive Committee, Shoulder to Shoulder
Rev. Richard Killmer, Co-Founder, Shoulder to Shoulder
Dr. Mohamed Elsanousi, Co-Founder, Shoulder to Shoulder
The Rev’d Margaret R. Rose, Ecumenical and Interreligious Deputy to the Presiding Bishop, The Episcopal Church
Rabbi Esther Lederman, Director, Congregational Innovation, Union for Reform Judaism
Dr. Tony Kireopoulos, Associate General Secretary, National Council of Churches USA
Rev. Dr. Julia Brown Karimu, President, Division of Overseas Ministries; Co- Executive, Global Ministries of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) & United Church of Christ
Rev. Dr. Karen Georgia Thompson, Associate General Minister; Co-Executive, Global Ministries of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) & United Church of Christ
Dr. Peter Makari, Executive, Middle East & Europe, Global Ministries of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) and United Church of Christ
Paul Tché, Christian Unity and Interfaith Ministry of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)